January 29, 2025
Day 1,216 of the Adventure
This is something I've been quietly studying for the past couple of years. We've experienced our share of temporary outages. Everything from 1-2 hour loss of power up to a 5-day period due to an ice storm a few years ago. The weather and accident-related grid-down situations are common enough and most of us, hopefully, have positioned themselves to deal with it. Something we have not seen to any large extent is a regional loss of grid energy.
Anymore, the weather seems to be the least of the concerns. Some of it is a result of our own making. Some of it from the threats of our many adversaries looking to do large scale harm to the country. As small individuals with virtually no influence over the larger scale decision-making needed to harden this resource, our options are very limited. Most of those options have to do with simply making plans to do without in a grid-down situation. When I say "Do Without" I am referring to doing without the nationwide grid service. I am not suggesting we simply do without power. Unless, of course, that is our preferred plan. I'd prefer to maintain an adequate amount of privately produced energy, even if it's a scaled back version of what we are currently accustomed to. There was a time when I believed the idea of wind energy could be a good solution. Mostly that was when we lived in a windier region and also before solar became a more practical source of energy like it is now. Small scale solar plants have become easy to access, fairly easy to understand and install and very common as a source of reliable electricity.
As much as I hate sounding like a doomsday prophet, I don't mind being positioned for low-cost do-it-yourself energy. Knowing that a worse-case scenario of grid down will not likely be much more than a "blip on the radar" of my personal life experience. Going big can be complicated and expensive. Going small and simple won't cover all your bases, but can certainly give you light, battery charging capability, keep communications up and running, and give you at least an element of self-control in a potential environment of electrical grid chaos.
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “there's no harm in hoping for the best as long as you're prepared for the worst.” ―
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