Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28 - The Campfire Trail - When is the 2nd Best Time?

March 28, 2024

Day 909 of the Adventure

Over the past two days, I've been exploring the decision process that brought us to creating a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. I can only assume that others are interested in this for themselves as well. (Here's Links to the previous postings Day 1, Day 2) I think that one of the biggest obstacles to starting anything is figuring out how. In the hesitation of that, the default action is sometimes to do nothing, figuring that something will just work out, somehow, eventually, maybe. If it's okay to say it, That's a REALLY BAD Plan! I love thinking in terms of five years when it comes to planning. Five years is literally enough time to accomplish nearly anything of significance. In fact, as the economy continues to drain us financially, now is the best time to begin taking action on a self-sufficiency quest of your own. If you gamble on, and build plans around things getting worse and that indeed happens, you will have made a good choice. If you gamble on, and build plans around things getting better and that indeed happens, you've made a good choice. If you plan for the worse and things get better, you've lost nothing and are still in better shape than if you'd done nothing. However, if you plan for the best and things get worse, then and only then will you realize you have "Chosen Poorly" as the old Knight in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade declared. 

Sometimes, a reality check needs to occur and I believe this is one of those times. I've been a student of economics and politics for years, in fact decades. Whether we see economic improvement or economic decline on a monthly or even yearly basis, I personally see a declining trend in quality of life from a financial and economic point of view in our future. It doesn't so much concern me for me, but it does concern me for my kids, grandkids, other extended family and many friends. What is the answer?

Captain Adreane on Treasured Times
To me, my answer lies in a greater sense of self-sufficiency. For me, that is achieved by gaining greater independence in the areas of housing, food sources, energy and simply anything that has to do with necessities. In fact. I'd go as far to say that it includes things that have to do with our recreation and pleasure time as well. That's part of the reason I'm weaning myself away from cruise ships and spending those dollars to support family members who can offer me even better experiences from their own boats. It keeps it in the family and helps them to be more self-sufficient as well. This alone should stand as a testament that I am not a doomsday survivalist hoping to survive a holocaust in a hole somewhere. If that were ever to happen, I'm not sure that surviving would be on my "Must Do" list anyway. Still, there's plenty of room to argue the point that building fire-walls of sustainability is a good thing. Much of that will include, by necessity, the ability to secure food, energy, shelter and water resources that are not affected by economic pressures of any kind. 

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What is the answer to this? I believe it begins with owning a property suitable for self-sufficient living. That alone is a basic necessity and one that represents a considerable decision and commitment. Unfortunately, it also represents probably the single biggest financial commitment you will likely make in the entire lifespan of that lifestyle. AND.... It kind of has to happen in the beginning. All of that is what makes the process so daunting. I get that, but it doesn't have to necessarily be the end of the dream. I've been encouraging those who want to start their personal "Back to the Land" journey to view it as a five-year process. Then make a decision to find a way to begin that process today. Five years ago would have been the perfect time to start, but today is the second best time to start. If you struggle with all of the things you need to think of, and to do, and fight your way through, let me make a suggestion. We recently completed a video series that doesn't cost anything to view covering 30 days-worth of tasks or subjects you can start on right now. (Links below for that at Creating a Roadmap Back to the Land) In addition, we wrote a companion book to help get that plan mapped out for you. It's available from Amazon. You can click the image to the right and find it. The video series pretty much mirrors the book but the book is probably better organized. I've generally not been very aggressive about promoting the book but honestly, I believe it is worth the price to help get a plan established. If $9.95 is too much for that then anything else that will be needed to accomplish the dream will likely be too much as well. 

I truly believe that creating a self-sufficient life is the answer to the economic difficulties we are currently experiencing. I also truly believe that it will become even more important in our future. The time is right, because tomorrow will be one more day into the future. One more day that we look back and say to ourselves, I should have started yesterday........

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “You need to invest time in understanding and discovering yourself” ― Sunday Adelaja

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost on the Trail (Guatemala)


Make sure to visit our website regularly to see new products and resources.

YouTube Channel: The Campfire Trail
YouTube Channel: Life of Treasures

Our Books
Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

Please Consider Subscribing to our monthly "How-To", Do-It-Yourself" newsletter in the upper right corner of this page.   AND........

Click any of the following Video links to start your own adventure with us on our YouTube Channel:  

Creating a "Roadmap" Back to the Land

Our 30 Day "Back to the Land" Playlist

Creating Sustainable Income

Creating Sustainable Income Make sure you are subscribed to "The Campfire Trail" YouTube channel and have the "Notification Bell" set to "ALL" to receive notifications of new video publications. 
Video List

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