Thursday, February 13, 2025

February 13 - The Campfire Trail - Staying Home

February 13, 2025

Day 1,231 of the Adventure

A friend of mine described how he used to enjoy travel and all of the things that went with that. Nowadays, he'd prefer to simply stay home where the food was better, the bed, softer. Where the company of his wife, grandkids, garden and piano were close at hand. Of course, he elaborated much more in depth, but you get the idea. As I read his thoughts, I had to agree with all of it. Personally, that's one part of the backwoods life I've truly come to appreciate more than I ever would have thought. Even now, I'm sitting in a comfortable chair, soaking up the warmth of a wood stove from across the room. Looking out the window to my right, I see the smoke from it's fire curling downward under the cold influence of a light snow. Out the back window I see Goldfinches by the dozens, ravishing the finch feeders Shelley keeps well stocked for them this time of year. The occasional deer wanders into and back out of the back yard, checking to see if she's left any feed for them recently. It's a quiet time now with very little to break the winter silence. Soon though, winter will depart, and we'll find ourselves wanting to get back outside earlier in the day and for longer stretches. When that happens, I'll still be more content to just stay home than go anywhere else. 

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” ― Edith Sitwell


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Our Books
Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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