Saturday, March 15, 2025

Life On Your Own Terms - March 15

March 15, 2025

Day 1,261 of the Adventure

Some thought's I've been pondering over campfire coffee!........ Much of our lives are lived on terms we simply have to tolerate rather than terms we would like to choose for ourselves. Some of it is very natural. We have to pay the bills, so we get a job. Often, our jobs dictate the where and how the bulk of our time is spent. Sometimes, even our location for living. Those of us with families have chosen to live our lives setting the family priorities ahead of everything else. As it should be. If there were only a way to combine all of the priorities of life into a lifestyle that not only provided for the essentials of life and the well-being of the family but also allowed for the living of life according to our personal dreams and passions. For years, that passion for us was to break free of the typical 9 to 5 rut and find a life of self-reliance. That life seemed elusive to us for so long. I think the urgency of "keeping up" and "staying ahead" dictated that we remain in the self-designed rat-race we had built for ourselves. Always dreaming of a "simple life", at the same time, always keeping it complicated. Unfortunately, we spent our youth not pursuing our dream lifestyle. Looking back on that choice, it's easy to see how it was never so out of reach to have been impossible. I suppose that's a regret I'll carry with me forever. With that said, we've been forced to adopt the slogan, "Better Late Than Never" now for the balance of life. I'm okay with that. I'm fond of watching YouTube channels where people, young and old are living their dream lives. They are all a little different, but in one respect, they are all the same. They've chosen to make the decision to pursue life on their own terms. Sometimes that's easy, sometimes not. In virtually every case though, it's worth it for them. 

At 60 plus years old, parts of our life are more difficult than would have been 20-30 years ago. That's a reality of life now and a consequence of waiting for so long. It comes down to this. The best time to start would have been 40 years ago for us. Maybe for younger folks, the best time would have been 20 years or 10 years ago. If you haven't made the decision to start yet, you missed the best time to start, but the second best time is today. Grab a cup of coffee..... or tea.... or whatever helps you think. Build a nice campfire somewhere and imagine........ What would a "Life On Your Own Terms" look like?

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “Got an idea to start", "Thinking to start" and "Making a commitment to start" is one aspect of life. Actually "Starting" what you truly want to do in life, is a completely different ball game.” ― Manoj Arora


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Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
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