Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13 - The Campfire Trail - Banning A Backyard Garden

June 13, 2024

Day 986 of the Adventure

Two years ago, a friend and pastor of a local church I'm familiar with had a profound statement to make. It covered a number of subjects, relevant then and even more so now. I'm reposting it without his permission but since it was originally posted to facebook, I'm sure he's okay with it. 

Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
There is a perfect storm closing in on this country from three different sides. Inflation, fuel and energy shortages and food shortages. None of this is happening without deceptive intent. As inflation and fuel costs continue to go up people will be unable to buy products which means jobs will start to disappear, food will become more scarce, which means it will become harder to get and even if we could get it we won’t have the ability to purchase it because our income has dried up. So we plant our own gardens only to find that the state will require us to buy permits because they will say it is dangerous because it is unregulated. Then we come to the real line drawn in the sand. If you will give up your guns the state will give you rationed food to feed your family. They will continually work at isolating and separating us to break our strength. This is why we must pull together, pray together, worship together as never before. This might sound extreme to some, I’ve had people angrily reply” this is America, that can’t happen here” but it is happening. The church across this country must lay down its arguments of indifference and become a strong support system to encourage, provide for and support one another and pray for the mercy of God that we do not get to the scenario I have outlined here.

Here's the one thing I'd like to focus on so as not to make this loo long. The line I've Italicized above..... "So, we plant our own gardens only to find that the state will require us to buy permits because they will say it is dangerous because it is unregulated." sounds fairly over-the-top, as we in America may view it. Yet, less than a year ago, an effort came to the forefront under the guise of world climate protection that suggested we consider anyone growing anything outside of parameters acceptable of proper climate preservation techniques would be considered criminal on the scale of genocide! The report was issued by "Science Daily" of whom, who knows the exact level of clout they have at any kind of global legislation. Nevertheless, stranger outcomes have begun in similar fashions. I've included a video of a fellow homesteader who went on a bit of a rant over this on a video of his. (Here's The Link to it) Reading most of it right from the Science Daily report. (I'm not quite so "bought in" on the-chem trail portion of the rant, but at this point, I'm not so sure about that either)

Regardless of the chances we see legislation ever attempted at this level or not, I think it's plenty safe to say we are seeing the fracturing of our Christian and American values on a scale I haven't witness in a lifetime. It's frustration rather than fear that motivates me to action. A bit of wisdom, insight, carefully watching of events unfold before our eyes suggests a time of preparation for the strange world that's coming. I'm not sure what else to say other than "Be Vigilant!

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “If we want to avoid becoming overly paranoid while still maintaining a healthy level of vigilance, we must balance trust and caution without letting fear dominate our interactions with others or living merely on assumptions or stereotypes.” ― Erik Pevernagie

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost in the Woods (Colombia/Costa Rica blend)


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