March 2, 2025
Day 1,248 of the Adventure
The 30 minutes or so before sunrise is a special time in the woods. Standing out on the back deck during this morning twilight offers the chance to hear songbirds and owls in the woods. Songbirds coming to life at the beginning of the day and owls ending their nighttime activities. Seldom are there any other sounds or actions other than the occasional startling of deer from the back yard or nearby woods where they have been bedded down. If they are not startled, they will simply wander quietly off into the darkness. If surprised, they can sound like a herd of frantic elephants charging off into the deeper parts of the woods. Today, it was just the small birds beginning to gather around the feeders that offered any sounds. This was only some soft and quiet chirps as they began to pick through the feeders and the seeds that had been scattered on the ground. I gathered a couple of chunks of firewood to rekindle the woodstove, then returned with camera to capture the sky as it began to brighten over the mountain to our eastern horizon. It looks to be a good day!
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!” ―
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