Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16 - Resort Adventures

Sundays at the Resorts are crazy in the summer but much slower in December. We do have guests scheduled in later in the week but for now we do our best to relax. I do plan to finally get the gas line to the fireplace fixed today. The weather is perfect for getting a few things done outside. I plan to try my hand at yet another skill today. I was loaned a GoPro camera and will be attempting to film some of the activities around here for your entertainment. You may not think that general maintenance around a resort could be very entertaining BUT, you have not seen me maintaining things yet!

For example we had a number of guests throughout the past summer express concern with a thumping noise emanating periodically from the cabins. (I was certain it was not Al Capone's Ghost.....See the link and ask me more about that later) It was finally determined to be a pressure control valve on the incoming water main. I played with it off and on all summer to try to make it behave. Finally, it simply had to go. I considered trying to video the experience. I decided against it because I didn't have a lot of time. There were incoming guests due to arrive, the water had to be shut off, the water main cut, the valve removed, the water line put back together all in about three hours...…….. What could possibly go wrong?

The first thing to go wrong was that after I cut the line, it began to rain, so I spent the rest of the job being wet.

Second problem: while cutting the water main, the pipe split back into a "glued in" shut off valve, which now also had to be replaced. Meaning that the "Main" main needed to also be shut down, (not just the "sub" main.)

Third problem: the "sub" main valve had to be cut out which extended deep into the dirt through the side of the man-hole wall and almost impossible to reach.

Fourth problem:  The manhole was now filling with water from the draining main line.

Fifth problem: I am getting wetter. I am loosing patience. I am running out of time. I'm hanging upside down in a muddy manhole and I don't have sufficient language to express my frustration!

Sixth problem: The Coast Guard Auxiliary shows up to inspect my boats. (I pointed to the marina and told them, "They're over there. Knock yourself out!)

After sucking enough water out of the manhole with a vacuum cleaner to get, at least temporarily, dry pipe fittings, I glued the new pipes in and only had a very small leak to contend with when it was done.

WHO wouldn't have thought that all of that was entertaining! I would have had to give the film (had it been made) a Hollywood film rating that would not have been G and not PG. Possibly PG-13 or perhaps even R for threatening language and violence.

So back to today...…… It's done! 

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