Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 21 - Resort Adventures

February 21, 2020
Day 52 - 314 Days to go
9 Days Until March 1
Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Highlander Grogg (Butterscotch/Rum flavors)

With all of the construction and renovations going on, it's easy to forget that "Resort Stuff" is continuing to happen around here. This weekend marks another annual installment of a local private fishing tournament. Winter time is very popular for the hard core trout fishermen (and fisher-girls..... see pic to the right) In this case, the tournament is tomorrow but all the kids get to work the lake today. This particular tradition began at one of the resorts up stream of us and continues on to this day. They do, however, come in the night before and rent up all of our boats for the duration of the weekend. This year was a big success on the "kid fishing day" as the catch and release part of it brought in forty something fish for them.

It was so cold out in the morning that the boat steering linkages were froze up. The thermometer said twelve degrees. The sun warmed everything up enough to work properly by 9am but these kids were a hearty bunch. They fished all day beginning at about 20 degrees and ending around 40 degrees. I was proud of them to brave the cold without complaint and happy to see them do so well.

Adventure Quote: “It's better to be happy than comfortable, if you can't have both.”
Emma Bul

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