Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14 - The Campfire Trail - 45 Pounds of Blueberries

June 14, 2024

Day 987 of the Adventure

Shelley went on a mission to the local berry farm and became one of their celebrities. 45.8 pounds worth of blueberries was her haul. I'm not sure if they had ever witnessed anything like that before. I'm sure they had but still impressive. This is an annual tradition and usually is accomplished in three or four trips. This is but the first for this season and I am a bit nervous of where we will find to store them all. The few left-overs from last year were blended and frozen into cubes before freeze-dried earlier this week. a portion of this harvest was sliced and freeze dried as well. We'll never choose to preserve them over just eating them fresh until we can no longer insure they will not go bad. In the past, freezing was the only option. now with the freeze dryer, the ability to preserve them long term has opened up new options. We tried the sliced ones from the first batch and they were remarkably sweet. I guess the upside is blueberries year around. The downside might be that three or four trips to the berry farm may turn into five or six. 

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “What is life without treats?” ― Steven Magee

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost in the Woods (Colombia/Costa Rica blend)


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