Saturday, May 16, 2020

May 8 - Resort Adventures

May 8, 2020
Day 129 - 237 Days to go
Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost up the Creek (Colombia)

It's Friday at the Resorts and we have guests that have never been here before. They mostly plan to do a lot of fishing. I had an interesting experience with them that reminded me once again why we do what we do. When we decide to start making improvements around the resorts, I generally think in terms of what "image" I would want to create for myself if I were to visit a resort. Obviously, to me (and Shelley) nothing quite sets a feel for a Fishing/Lake Resort like a log cabin look. As it turns out, the decision to convert the Rainbow Haven Resort from a combination of aluminum siding and board/batten look to logs is already paying off in guest experience. They commented over and over how much they loved the place.

It's probably a small thing, but to a guest looking to take home memories, every detail counts.

Adventure Quote: A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.

Gift Item feature: 14" metal Base Camp Cabin number sign

Call me at: 417-234-4394 to place an order.

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