Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 22 - Resort Adventures

January 22, 2021
Day 22 -  343 Days To Go
40 Days Until March 1
Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost up the Creek (Sumatra)

There are things that you do, or things that you see that pretty much defy explanation. Or at lease defy description.....without a video anyway. Such is the case with an experience in the back yard of the Resort today. Solutions to problems come in all shapes and sizes. This one included starting fluid, a match and a big stick of firewood. 

This story began with the delivery of that big white bundle you see on the ground. (We'll discuss that tomorrow) The delivery guys didn't notice the tire being nearly flat on their fork lift. In the twisting maneuver to get out from under the bundle, it rolled the tire right off the rim. I was personally at a loss for how they could get it back on without calling in a service truck. They attempted a couple of fixes without success. Finally, they resorted to the Ether, lighter and big stick method.

Now I have seen this done on youtube videos before. (Mostly of the "Here, Hold my Beer variety) Nevertheless, They appeared to know what they were doing. Me, leaning toward the side of caution and skepticism, I got myself ready to record a video. The exact process is: 1. spray a liberal amount of ether into the tire cavity. 2. Light it with a lighter, 3. Just as it ignites, hit it with something big enough to help the bead seal as the explosion occurs inside the tire. 

All went exactly as planned up to the "Whack it with a stick" part. The explosion and the stick whack was simultaneous. The rapid inflation of the tire by the ignition of the ether was sufficient to bounce the tree limb back at it's handler with enough force to nearly knock him off his feet. NOW..... he's fine but will be sporting a goose egg for a day as a banner of bravery. A sort of "Participation Award" if you will. 

It's not every day you get to employ fire and explosions to fix your woe's. So today was a special day for all of us at the Resort. I can't imagine we will top this any time soon. You can watch the whole thing in the video below. 

Adventure Quote: “If I live...I will live unafraid...I will live so all can see,
I am not ashamed of who I am or what I'm designed to be!"
-The Great Mephisto”
― Daniel Von der Ahe

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