Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 30 - DIY Homestead - Finding Your Tribe

July 30, 2022

Day 222 of the Adventure
Base Camp Coffee of the Day:

This morning's campfire is a pathetic one. I'm not sure that I have the patience for it's smoldering and general refusal to light and burn. Okay, the wood is wet and that's mostly my fault. We do not yet have a woodshed and I've been too lazy to drag out tarps to keep it covered. Right now, it's mostly all roots we've harvested from tree stumps dug from the ground around here and almost not worth the effort to keep dry. My secret is that I know Shelley will be back from her walk in a few minutes and she will be relentless at getting it going. But for now, here I am, trying to encourage it to burn. I suppose it's part of the reason you need your tribe for encouragement. The ones that will assure you that you're not completely crazy for attempting things no reasonably sane person would mess with. 

My last tribe (I suppose it's still my tribe) was that of fellow entrepreneurs. Those folks who supported your weird efforts when most of the "world", (code for friends and family) all thought you were crazy for pursuing your business ventures. Yeah, I've been through a couple of rounds of that. Now I'm beginning to adopt a new tribe. It's the people who will say. "Yes. It's okay for you to want to build a campfire in the rain!" and "Yes. It's okay for you to want to not hook your cabin to the power grid!" and things like' "Yes. It's okay for you to want to have goats!" (by the way, I'm not there with the goats yet or maybe ever, but I'm happy to let you know that "Yes, It's okay for you to want to have goats!") That's what your tribe does! They keep you believing in yourself no matter what outside forces or the weather has to say about it! Now........ If your tribe ever starts to think you've gone completely off the rails, then maybe you have. Or...... Maybe you need a new tribe. One with more "off the rails" thinking and experience. 

Either way, embrace your tribe. They are the ones that are truly pulling for you. If you're not part of one, find one that loves the same things you love and is doing the same things you are doing. Speaking from one tribe member to another, "It's okay to get tribal!"

Carry On 

I knew Shelley would get here and get the fire going!

 Adventure Quote:  “Fall in love with someone who tastes like adventure but looks like the calm, beautiful morning after a terrible storm” ― Nikita Gill

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