Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30 - DIY Homestead - Our Indoor/Outdoor Wood Stove

September 30, 2022

Day 365 of the Adventure

I spent at least a part of the day doing something that doesn't seem to make much sense. Who ever heard of firing up an indoor woodstove in the outdoors? But YES...... That's exactly what I did. Early this morning as a matter of fact. By now, 6:30 pm, I've come to the conclusion that my efforts have been a success. Going back to the early 80's, I've installed a number of wood stoves in various houses we've lived in. Most of them new, (the stoves that is) The one thing they all had in common other than burning wood, was that the smell of the burning/curing paint on them would stink up the house for days if the first fire happened after the stove was installed in the house. This time, I vowed to haul the whole thing outside and fire it up for a day to keep all the noxious fumes and odors outside. Now, at 6:30pm, I can declare the process a success. At 61 years old (or young, depending on how you view it) I can honestly say I learned something new. 

Tomorrow, I plan to return the stove to the cabin and prepare to install it there. I can already tell that it's going to be perfect at its job. Even outside in the cool of the early morning and now the cool of the early evening, it is radiating its warmth out to our lawn chairs. Taking the chill out of the air and adding a quiet ambiance to our evening. Wood stoves and cabins go together naturally, and I can already tell that the first snowy evening we experience in the backwoods with a glowing fire in the corner of the cabin will be special. 

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “Wherever you camp in the world, your fire will be one of the things that sticks in your memory the most!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost in the Woods (Guatemala)

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Click any of the following links to start your own adventure with us:  

Mountain Craft
Sassafras Tea Making (Chicks in the Sticks video)

DIY Construction Basics Videos
Shelley Painting Trim (Chicks in the Sticks video)

Sunday Morning Outdoor Breakfast Videos
August 28 Breakfast - Campfire Corned Beef Hash
August 7 Breakfast - Chorizo Burritos 
September 4 Breakfast - Outdoor French Toast
September 11 Breakfast - Run-AmuckMuffins
September 18 Breakfast - Dutch Oven Breakfast Frittata

Fun Videos
Run Amuck Road Trip - Thunder Muffins
Run-Amuck Road Trip - Roaring River State Park

Treasured Times Crew to the Rescue Cabin Building (Treasured Times Video)

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