Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January 31 - The Campfire Trail - Where Did The Volcano Come From?

January 31, 2024

Day 852 of the Adventure

I woke up this morning to a bleary-eyed sight of our mountain out the back window. I thought to myself in a half awake fog, "Where did the Volcano come from?" It only took a moment to get the cobwebs out enough to realize it was only our mountain with the addition of a convenient cloud. It's hard for me to pass up an unusual photo opportunity. So, grabbing my camera and making yet another barefoot run out onto the back deck, I captured this. I suppose it's barely noteworthy beyond the telling of it. Still, a curious sight at the backwoods cabin. When the trees get leafed out, the mountain will disappear from view once again until late next October. 

Is our mountain even a "mountain"? According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there is no official difference between hills and mountains. The United Kingdom and the United States used to define hills as summits less than 1,000 feet. Geologists and the Oxford English Dictionary report that a mountain is at least 2,000 feet (or 610 meters) above sea level, while the government of the UK Government defines a mountain as having an elevation above 600 meters (1,969 ft). Our mountain checks in at 1,355 feet in elevation, so I guess we officially have a "Hill", even though it's referred to as a mountain. So, it may be a hill, but it's our hill and we'll call it a mountain if we want to. The summit is actually about 3/4 of a mile from here so it's technically not ours. It belongs to the many property owners that live on it's footprint. Behind our cabin, the canyon, waterfall and land beyond that, make up the SW base of the mountain, so I guess we are part owners of it. We're not even in the top 20 of highest peaks in Missouri. In fact, we are only fifth highest in our county. We're behind such places as Brushy Knob, Pilot Knob, Grape Rough Ridge and Indian Ridge. We are higher than other peaks like Sow Coon Mountain, Wolf Ridge, Hooten Hill, Black Oak Ridge and Naked Joe Bald to name a few. How's that for a list of mountain peaks........ We are in Missouri, so there's that!

It's all more information than I'm sure anyone would have wanted this morning. The coffee has not had it's desired effect yet so, you get the benefit of my "Mountain Rambling".

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” ― John Muir

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost in the Woods (Colombia/Costa Rica blend)


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