Saturday, February 24, 2024

February 22 - The Campfire Trail - Prepping Using The 80/20 Rule

February 22, 2024

Day 874 of the Adventure

I've recently been giving a lot of thought to the subject of prepping and being prepared. By definition, the two are probably no different from one another. I believe by the intent of those involved, there is a difference. When seeing the term "prepping" I generally see it used in the area of "prepping for extreme and catastrophic events". It implies that expecting the worst and preparing for the worst go hand in hand. The list of preparations is long and intense. No scenario should be neglected in this endeavor. On the other hand, the term "being prepared" generally implies a general preparedness for the unexpected. These events would typically be natural calamities or even man made, but more likely in the realm of "reasonably expected" events or occurrences. Obviously, it's a definition open to each individual's interpretation and very subjective at that. Additionally, no one can determine for another just exactly what they believe the probability would be for any possibility that would require a status of preparedness. To one, global apocalypse is immanent and anyone not seeing that is naive and ignorant of current circumstances. To others, prepping for a 3 day power outage is enough and anyone believing more than that is crazy. So, are we naive and ignorant or totally crazy. That question serves no purpose other than to illustrate the levels of preparedness we believe we should be addressing in our lives. 

With all that said, I believe I've been operating under the 80/20 rule when it comes to preparedness. The 80/20 rule is a familiar saying that asserts that "80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event." In simple language, 80% of effective results come from focusing on the 20% of most productive activities (in rough terms). Another way of looking at it is to focus your greater energy and effort on the things that will most likely help you survive the greatest number of scenarios. As an example, spending half of your effort, energy and resources building a bunker equipped to survive a nuclear blast within a 5 mile radius of ground zero, would not be employing an 80/20 approach. It would be using 50% of everything you got to prepare for perhaps a one tenth of a percentage of probability. Unless, of course, you believe a nuclear blast within a five mile radius of you is not only likely but completely immanent. 

The level of preparedness is linked directly to your personal ideas of what is most likely to impact you. As you think about this, I plan to expand on the 80/20 rule more tomorrow and beyond. Hopefully, helping myself and others to define how the 80/20 preparedness paradigm might help focus each of our energies on the most practical efforts we can have in our preparedness activities. Until then..........

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.” ― Patrick Ness

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost on the Trail (Guatemala)


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Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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