January 11, 2025
Day 1,198 of the Adventure
By noon today the snow had stopped falling and the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds. All an encouraging sign from a severe weather event where ice had dominated the forecast conversation just 48 hours earlier. While the storm moved on, the cold remained. As much as I wanted to get out and hike around in it for some "Winter Wonderland" kind of photos, the back deck is as far as I ventured out. The picture here was looking from the back deck, downhill to the north and slightly east. Our "Bigfoot Crossing" sign showing in the distance.
The day will be spent inside where the coziness of the woodstove will keep us comfortable. I've already prepared a big pot of ham and beans to simmer on top of it for the day. There are hundreds of things to do outside, but winter simply keeps all of them on a list. They wait for a stretch of weather that is cooperative with things that require above freezing temperature. That may not happen for several weeks. Until then, we'll be content to occupy ourselves with the many indoor chores that we can focus on.
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” ―
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