Monday, March 10, 2025

The Basement Begins Again..... - March 10

March 10, 2025

Day 1,256 of the Adventure

Finally, after almost three months of winter delay, we've started up the basement project once again.  I know it looks like a lot of mayhem, but if you look closely, you can see where we've extended the corners of the storm shelter part of it up two more rows in height. The corners have to be established so a level sting line can be stretched between them. Five days of 70's in the forecast has us ready to see how far we can get. Hopefully, I'd like to see it above grade so we can get part of it backfilled. The rain and freeze/thaw cycles keep caving the sidewalls in of the basement hole. I'm ready to be done cleaning that up every time it happens. Onward and upward!

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “To progress is always to begin always to begin again” ― Martin Luther


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