February 23, 2025
Day 1,241 of the Adventure
We spent the afternoon and evening with friends watching the movie "Homestead". If you haven't seen it, it's a post-apocalyptic story of the breakdown of society after a terrorist event. In a nutshell, a nuclear device is detonated in Los Angeles leading to the subsequent cascading power outage across the country. While not a violent movie, they do a good job of telling a variety of stories related to the survival and on-going life in a world devoid of services. Which includes, municipal water, power and adequate law enforcement. In addition, the availability of food becomes almost immediately scarce. This leads to desperate measure being taken between those who have nothing and those who have taken the position of preparing themselves for such an event. It addresses the conflict of values facing them as they grapple with the challenge of helping other at the expense of their own family security. Tough questions...... if you possess a conscience.
Along with a couple of comical "snipes" at things like hoarding toilet paper and the failure of electric vehicles, the movie did address some practical thoughts related to things like making sure medications were a part of the thought process when considering moderate or long-term crisis. There was a lot of "food-for-thought" moments during the movie and we enjoyed the discussion of "What would we do in this situation" if it occurred in real life.
I've said many times that I do not prepare for apocalyptic events. Even though there is a certain percentage of probability for one to occur. Our preps are more in line of weather related events, civil unrest related events and even perhaps a localized terrorist event. Even then, we do not build our life around the fear of those things happening. We simply make that awareness a part of normal life rather than an obsession which could rob us of the peace of normal life. Security is a popular buzzword now as it relates to almost everything. "Food-Security" is a popular use of it. We've simply made it a point to be as "food-secure", "shelter-secure", "energy-secure" as we can. Along with all the other "security" related secures you can have. Once the mindset shift is made to that position, it no longer feels weird to raise a garden and preserve its produce for both short and long-term use. It feels normal to enjoy powering the homestead with energy from the sun via a solar power system. Normal is harvesting the firewood from our forest to provide heat through sub-zero temps like we had last week.
There is certainly a negative stigma related to the culture of prepping. I believe that if that paradigm is shifted over to the term Practical Emergency Preparedness, it suddenly becomes much a less "fringe" concept and more of a "Practical Responsibility" concept. Just some food for thought as we think to our future, however we happen to view it.
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “there's no harm in hoping for the best as long as you're prepared for the worst.” ―
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