Saturday, February 15, 2025

Backwoods Contentment - February 15 - The Campfire Trail

February 15, 2025

Day 1,233 of the Adventure

More often than not, the subject of this blog revolves around the simple life of living in a cabin in the woods. Of course, the cabin itself is not the main stage for our story. It is certainly a part of it. The main storyline is the life surrounding the cabin. After all, we eat, sleep, watch movies, read and write our books inside, mostly. The main appeal to the cabin in the woods, is the woods. The forest that surrounds us that brings nature right up to our front, and back door. We have very few guests come to visit. Without exception, the single thing that impresses them the most is the quiet stillness of the forest. Of course, there are coyotes, owls, countless birds including eagles, that disrupt that quiet. Even occasionally a bobcat. But the sounds of nature do not ruin the stillness of the forest. They only enhance the outdoorsy experience of it. The garden is, I suppose, one of our favorite spaces. I know it's dead and dried up currently, but like last summer, it will once again bloom into a lively and peaceful bit of the backwoods. It is, after all, surrounded by forest. It is not possible to enter the garden and do anything there at a fast pace. It's just not allowed, by the garden itself. Everything that happens there is a slow and methodical process. Because it's a small little organized oasis within the surrounding wilderness, we chose to build a firepit right there in the middle of it to enjoy it's offering of peace and contentment. I'm not sure I ever appreciated what was awaiting us in our woodsy retreat. Now that we've found it, I doubt anything less will ever be good enough!

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.” ― William Shakespeare


Make sure to visit our website regularly to see new products and resources.

YouTube Channel: The Campfire Trail
YouTube Channel: Life of Treasures

Our Books
Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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