January 31, 2025
Day 1,218 of the Adventure
Right now, I'm watching the news, social media and friends and neighbors melting down over the "You Better Get Ready For High Prices" crisis. I've been responding with a bit of a sarcastic. "Wait a minute. If you've been watching this for the last few years and haven't gotten yourself ready....... You're too late!" The very nature of preparedness is to "Be Prepared". Prepared for the unexpected. What about for the things that are expected? When our own government started placing a stranglehold on the ability of business to simply do business. Then started spending money they didn't even have like drunken sailors. It should have been all the signs we needed to realize that we "better get ready for high prices". It's not something that just happened yesterday!
Four years ago, we had just purchased a business. It was the second largest we had ever done. The deal had been in the works for several months. We were seeing hints of some real economic irresponsibility (in our eyes) from the government's policies for about a year, but were hoping for the best. Too many things to list here. As I watched through the summer, I saw everything I needed to see to convince us that tough times were on the way. Later that year, we sold the business we had just purchased, and, after only owning it for eleven and a half months, decided to begin preparing for recession conditions. Our plan was to continue doing what we could with a scaled back business plan while personally positioning ourselves to return to a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
When I now hear "Better get ready for high prices", I respond with "Already have........ four years ago!"
So are you really too late to get started. Maybe too late for today's crisis, but not necessarily too late for the things to come! What? you may ask do we need to be prepared for in the future? That's the nature of preparedness. We prepare for the unexpected. Honestly though, it's not that hard to anticipate much of the "unexpected". I plan to dive into this a little deeper in upcoming days. Tighten your seatbelt, it's not over yet!
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “Tomorrow’s unknown crisis is not something to avoid in fear. It requires our attention and deliberation. We just need to have the courage to face the truth of our future’s uncertainty. We just need to be prepared.” ―
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