Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Adding Lifelines - March 11

March 11, 2025

Day 1,257 of the Adventure

As we take on the basement building once again, today included a small and just slightly complex job of connecting some "lifelines" to the house. Last fall, we installed the water main into the basement. Today, we ran the waste plumbing and the electrical conduits through the basement wall. Obviously, the wires are not in the conduits yet but the pathway for getting them from the utility control building into the house is now there. Or at least, the part that gets them through the cement wall. You may be wondering why there is two conduits. The answer is that one will serve an electrical panel that is fed by the utility grid. The other will be fed strictly by the solar power supply system. As with the cabin, the solar plant will serve about 80-90 percent of the house. The other 10-20 percent of it will be supplied by the grid. This approach is one that takes advantage of "options". While everyone wants to be as independent from the power company as possible, there's always the chance that a grid failure isn't what shuts you down. We actually had a solar plant "inverter failure" when we were here about six months that shut down our solar capacity for several months until we got a replacement installed. So, we've decided that we like the idea of being grid-independent, but in the event of a failure of some component of the solar plant, we have grid power available. Plus, if we get clouds or rain for extended periods, the inverter will switch automatically over to grid t power all of the circuits and recharge the batteries at the same time........ It's called, Options!

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “I may be running out of options, but running out isn't an option.” ― Mark Lawrence


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