Monday, March 10, 2025

Big Noise in the Night, Meh - March 9

March 9, 2025

Day 1,255 of the Adventure

When we first moved to our backwoods home, there were two distinct noises we had to adjust to. No noise and strange noise. I've managed to record a few of the stranger noise varieties. They include things like Bobcats yowling at each other behind the cabin. Some creepy screaming of some kind that I knew what it was but still was creepy, and then there was the screams that happened behind the cabin while I was working on the deck that kind of defied explanation. All of it adds to the intrigue and mystery of the backwoods life. 

Last night, while sleeping, I was awakened to a large crash somewhere outside the cabin that was pretty close. It was one of those noises, loud enough to startle a person awake, but suddenly enough that it was over by the time enough fog had left my brain to register what I had heard. I lay there blurry-eyed for a few moments listening. I heard nothing more and being a bit sleep depraved anyway, rolled over and thought, Meh, and went back to sleep. Whatever it was, did not seem to be trying to claw it's way into the cabin. If that were the case, I had a 30-30 rifle, shotgun and a couple of side arms close by to deal with it. The fact that it had interrupted my sleep would have been all the motivation I would have needed to adequately offer up a counter-attack if one was required. But no...... The single crash seemed to be all there was. Such is life in the backwoods!

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “Don’t mistake noise for anything other than noise.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough


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