Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sleeping In The Sun - Grumpy Prepper Chronicles 01

March 7, 2025

Day 1,253 of the Adventure

Some piece of taking care of business caused me to need to drive to town today. I really don't want to think about nor remember what it was exactly. It's nearly always a set-up for a frustrating day when that happens. The trip included a stop at the DMV for Shelley to renew her drivers license, a stop at two different banks, once to the post office, plus all the driving. It doesn't sound like much but it still consumed nearly four hours of time doing things that are way down on my list of preferred things to be doing. The one exception was our stop at the local diner for breakfast. I wouldn't necessarily drive 30 minutes one way for breakfast, but since I had to be in town anyway, breakfast was my reward for not allowing myself to engage in road-rage, bank robbery or some other form of mayhem. Eventually, the town stuff came to an end and we returned home. Being March 7 and not typically comfortably warm outside, today was different. The afternoon temperatures slowly climbed into the mid 70's and for a time, I went out onto the back deck to enjoy it from a rocking chair. That soon turned into a nap in the warm sun. By the time I woke up and was refreshed and ready to do something productive, the day was almost spent! I did manage to drive the tractor up the hill and use it to mix some compost and chicken litter together into a fertilizer mix for our garden planting coming up. If there's any truth to the quote that says; "All's well that ends well", then the day ended well. At least well enough for me to declare' "It could have been worse!" 

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “There are certain things in this world that a person must do, even if they know it's impossible.” ― Meng Xi Shi


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