Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21 - Resort Adventures "Winter Solstice"

Friday, December 21. Winter Solstice 2018.

Technically today is the beginning of winter and I certainly will not dispute it. However, my winter began at the beginning of December and will end on the 28th of February. How is it possible to disrupt the Celestial timelines of the Season's? When living the resort life, at least in SW Missouri, Springtime kind of begins on March 1. The Rainbow Trout season in the state trout parks around here opens March 1 and people just seem ready to get back out, rent some cabins and get on the lake. Obviously, the fish don't really care what the date is. Some of the best trout fishing occurs in the winter months, especially the bigger Brown Trout. But as mild as the winters normally are in this part of the world, it still takes a hearty, determined fisherman (or woman) to spend much time out on the water in January and February. (For our friends to the north...….Yes, our water stays liquid all winter!)

Last night, upon returning from a day of crawling around on the floor installing carpet at our house, I ended up in the easy chair with a cup of coffee, a fire and a movie. (Yes, I am STILL restricted to "Christmas Coffee Cups) I'll be glad to get back to my Base Camp Travelling Coffee Cup. I'll fill in the details on another date on what that's all about, but meanwhile, you can see a few pics at our Travelling Cup Pinterest page.  The nutshell version is that wherever the cup goes, I go. Except around Christmas time when it's banished from use and confined to the cabinet so the Christmas Mugs can take their turn. One of the obnoxious habits of the cup is photo-bombing as many pictures as possible. If you ever buy one, it will attempt to upstage you at every opportunity!

We introduced our grandson to the Coffee Shop up the hill today. He stole the show as usual. Babies have that knack. Who could argue with that though.

On the Resort front, today saw business in the Gift shop with Rockaway Beach Hoodie sales, more coffee and a couple of December reservations. AND guests from somewhere in Florida will be arriving late tonight.

Other than all that, it's been a fairly quiet and relaxing day at the resorts.

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