Friday, February 8, 2019

February 6 - Resort Adventures

February 6, 2019

Day 37 - 328 Days to go
23 Days until March 1

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Anything because Callahan says it's all good!

Today's Adventure includes babysitting our grandson, celebrating my mom's birthday and paying bills. I can say with confidence that the first two items on the agenda will be the better ones..... By Far! Somewhere in there I'll need to pick up more supplies for the Black Bear Cabins. 

As new Grandparents, we have the privilege of watching our grandson three to four times per week at the resort. He's going to be one of those fortunate kids who has to spend a portion of his childhood at The Resorts. He will get to grow up with that part of his live being "Normal". How cool would that be! When Shelley was growing up, she got to spend the occasional weekend at the lake cabin of here Uncle and Aunt Don and Judy. Don and Judy were the "Cool Uncle and Aunt" because all the cousins had fun whenever and wherever they were. 

I told Shelley that she needed to pick up the mantle of "Cool Aunt" when we started the resort business. One way we decided to do that was to give each of the nieces and nephews a week at the cabins each year at no charge to enjoy a family vacation. Several, but not all of them yet have taken us up on it. So since we now have "Great" nieces and nephews (I guess that's what you call them) and a grandson. She has now graduated to the "Coolest Grandma" as well to all of them..... She seems to be completely okay with that distinction. 

Our Grandson has also become the official posterchild of the resorts and gift shop and coffee company. He doesn't seem to mind too much. The picture is him being the official spokesman for the Base Camp Coffee Company. 

“Always there has been an adventure just around the corner--and the world is still full of corners.”
Roy Chapman Andrews

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