Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 28 - Resort Adventures

June 28, 2019
Day 179 - 186 Days to go
Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost in the Dark (Colombian Dark French Roast)

The day started with six vacancies for the weekend between Rainbow Haven Resort and Cross Timbers Cabins. By 7pm, we had filled them all except one. Plus all of the one and two day gaps in the week of July 4th got filled up. This Summer is looking to be the busiest one since we got here. The ONE single downside to that is the steps to my office. I laugh (on the inside) when a guest climbs my steps declares "That's enough of that". On the inside, I'm thinking, "The first 20 of the trips today for me was enough, by later today, 80 trips will REALLY be enough!"


By the way, Yes, that is a hole in the steps and yes, I am aware of it. I suppose I will probably fix it this year sometime, BUT IT HAS A STORY! It's not unsafe. Even though it makes people nervous. It's a reminder of the time Craig tried to burn the deck down. If you are a long time guest of Rainbow Haven, you'll remember Craig. He was the former owner before us. Craig agreed to work here for a year after we bought the place from him. One of his favorite pass-times in the cool weather months was to sit by a fire up on the deck. Yes...… On the deck. It was mostly safe. He had a Chimenea with a metal base that kept sparks and cinders from catching things on fire. One day a wind picked up and blew some embers around the deck and onto the steps. There are now a half dozen or so holes around that smoldered until discovered and then put out. He and I laughed about it a lot and used it as the back-story to quite a few social media and video encounters between he and I. Without Craig, it just doesn't seem to get the same comical mileage as it did with him. So, I suppose it's time to fix the step. 

The Last Resort Project:
I haven't seen the guys around for a couple days so they may be hiding from me. They did enough work last week so I'm giving them some space this weekend.

“What ifs” are the doorways into new adventures. “Why nots” are the doorknobs. We turn knobs and tug at doors until we find the one that opens for us. The Maker will leave that one unlocked and when we get to the other side, the light will be on and He’ll be waiting with all the resources and help we need to fulfill His best desires for us.”
Kevin E. Beasley

Gift Item feature: Rockaway Beach T-shirt

Call me at: 417-234-4394 to place an order.

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