Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 25 - The Campfire Trail - Things I'm Better At Now

January 25, 2024

Day 846 of the Adventure

A recent close encounter with mud
Almost everything I do any more feels more difficult than it did say, twenty years ago. Building out a Cabin in the Woods where nothing but raw land had existed prior is testament to this truth. For the most part I've been able to embrace the growing older nonsense. To be clear, it's better than the alternative by far. As we began this journey into the backwoods, I think I was approaching it from a 40 something's perspective rather than a 60 something's perspective. That 20 year gap in judgement hasn't presented us with impossibilities. We've accomplished everything we've set out to do. It's just taken a good fifty percent more time, more effort and more patience. Not to mention more close encounters with the dirt, water, mud, rocks and viny obstacles in the woods. Once a viny thing is encountered and the "falling forward motion", that ensues has begun, the encounters with the rocks, mud, water and dirt is inevitable. 

There was a time when I could muscle through woodland obstacles quite efficiently. Any more, they are a nuisance at best, a cause to practice up on colorful language on occasion and a trip to the cabin for the first aid kit at worst. We always hope the first aid kit is enough when necessary. So far, band-aids, duct tape, antibiotic lotion along with some soap and water has been adequate for our mishaps.

Upon reflection, I was having a hard time trying to come up with anything positive about growing older. Anything that I could point to and say, "Yes, I am much better at 'That" than I was at age 40". One thing came to mind almost immediately. I can now sit down in a chair and fall asleep much better than I could at 40. I am now trying to figure out how that can translate into a useful skillset. Still working on that one. I guess there may be one other thing I'm better at now. It's the skill of finding a simpler way of doing things. For example, I've been able to figure out how to turn most projects around here into something that can be done with the aid of a tractor. Moving dirt, rocks and firewood is a no-brainer. Taking a box of canning jars to the shipping container requires the use of the tractor bucket as well. I've even considered tilling the garden area exclusively with the post hole auger in the tractor. So yes, anything that needs done, is better done with the assistance of a tractor. I'm better at that now. 

I have now identified two things that I know I'm better at now than at 40. Now, I'm stuck. I'm sure there's at least a third thing I can come up with if I give it some more thought. The trouble is, I'm sitting here in my chair looking at the fire in the woodstove and I feel a nap coming on. 

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.”
― H.L. Mencken

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