Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 5 - The Campfire Trail - Thoughts On "Prepping"

June 5, 2024

Day 978 of the Adventure

With all of the attention we've been giving to gardening, food preparation and self-sufficiency, you might begin to think that we've gone over the edge on apocalypse prepping. This is really not the case even though I agree that it looks that way from the sheer scope of our activities. DISCLAIMER.... The picture in this article is not our supply cache, It's just a cool picture of one! No. Our motivation with the food production and preparation is all related to creating self-sufficiency and demonstrating how that life can be of benefit to everyone. To me, the biggest threat to our general way of life currently is that of inflation. Prices, especially at the grocery store, has the country in shock. To me, the sad part is that we mostly seem to be simply accepting it. The only real push-back being that of complaining about it rather than doing much of anything to counter-balance any of it. I've watched several intriguing videos recently about homesteaders creating a basement "Grocery Store" for themselves drawing from their farm and garden produce. It's a fascinating concept and one which we will begin implementing this growing season. The idea of replacing eighty percent of grocery store produce with that which has been grown, raised, hunted or foraged is irresistible to the self-sufficiency side of me. I suppose that a self-sufficient mind-set in food and energy production does more than just combat inflationary pricing. In a way, it partially fulfills the goals of disaster prepping as well. Even if that's not the main goal. With that said, I have no doubt that there will be those who believe that we are diving down the rabbi hole of apocalypse prepping. If that's the case, then so be it. Regardless of the perception, I'll enjoy my back yard grocery store without the inflationary surcharges!

Carry On

Adventure Quote:  “Being frugal doesn’t mean slashing your spending or depriving yourself of things that you enjoy. It means knowing the value of a dollar and making every effort to spend it wisely.” ― Frank Sonnenberg

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost up the Creek (Sumatra)


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Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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