Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February 3 - The Campfire Trail - More Zeros

February 3, 2025

Day 1,221 of the Adventure

The potential tariffs that were announced against Mexico and Canada over the weekend, did not make it through the first week-day prior to implementation. As much as it frightened some, the tactic had its desired effect. Nevertheless, a larger problem still looms on the horizon, and it won't likely go away so easy. That problem is the national deficit and national debt. To fix these things at a federal level is no different than fixing them at a personal level. There are just more zeros involved. Who knows whether our collective politicians have the fortitude to even tackle such a dauting task remains to be seen. So far, their appetite for it has been non-existent. It does appear that an attempt is being made, however. If they get it done, or even get it moving in the right direction would be encouraging. The pain of personal debt reduction is something most of us have experienced in our lives. I feel the pain of national debt reduction will be no different. Once again, the only real way to become somewhat insulated from the process is by becoming personally prepared to withstand the effects. If I'm not careful, I'll fall back into my self-sufficiency soap-box speech. 

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” ― Thomas Jefferson


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Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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