February 4, 2025
Day 1,222 of the Adventure
During the winter, we measure our outdoor achievements in small segments. The mud and the cold limits our ability to get much done on the basement. This week, however, we got a much-appreciated reprieve from the nightly freezing temps. A stretch of nice weather, including a couple of 70's for daytime highs, encouraged us to get back into the mud and extend another section of basement wall footings. We made it around the corner into one of the bedrooms! If you want to look at it that way. One of the biggest issues has been the side of the hole collapsing in whenever there's been rain. Or just randomly as it sees fit to aggravate us. Once some footings are established, we can place drainage tile along the extended outside perimeter and cover it with loose, clean rock. At least then any mud that falls upon it does not have to be dug back out to create the drainage channel. Once the forms are removed along the section in the pic, we'll be extending that drain tile you can see in the upper right of the pic, around the corner. I'll be glad when Spring arrives!
Carry On
Adventure Quote: “Unwavering incremental change can create remarkable and monumental results.” ―
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Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
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