Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11 - The Campfire Trail - "Chasin' Life All Over Tarnation"

June 11, 2024

Day 984 of the Adventure

You'll hear me often touting the peace and quiet of the backwoods life, and it's for good reason. We spent a lot of life staying ahead of the bills while trying to squeeze in some memories. It reminds me of a quote that I can't remember who said it. "You can't go chasin' life all over tarnation". To be sure, there are parts of "Tarnation" I do like to visit. The mooring cove at the Dry Tortugas a year ago catching big sharks until late in the night comes to mind. That's a region of Tarnation I'd go visit again if the opportunity presented itself.  Of course, even that experience had an abundance of peace and quiet. As a group of islands deep into the Gulf of Mexico, the only people present once the last Ferry and last Float Plane hauled their loads of tourists back to the mainland were others in their boats, anchored in various positions around the harbor. All of whom seemed very content to keep quietly to themselves. I fear that our group of four were probably the greatest offenders of the peace each time a shark was being reeled in. Between the shouting of orders and directions. The Sharks themselves splashing and fighting, the laughing and knocking things over in the process was periodically loud and chaotic. Even with all that, after a few hours, the sharks prevailed in wearing us out and the peace and quiet of a warm tropical evening aboard ship gave way to a serenity disturbed only by conversation, ice cream, cookies and coffee. Back to the Cabin in the Woods, we experience this quiet calmness nearly every day. For a while it took some getting used to. Sitting on the deck or by the fire every day felt out of place. We've slowly become okay with that. So, Here's to a life of peace and quiet and not having to "Go Chasin' Life All Over Tarnation!"

Carry On

Adventure Quote: “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple-tree or an oak.” ― Henry David Thoreau

Base Camp Coffee of the Day: Lost on the Trail (Guatemala)


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Treasures of Life - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Treasures of Life 2 - Daily Devotional by Shelley
Back to the Land - Planning your Back to the Land Roadmap by Martin
Wealth Creation - Principles of Wealth Creation by Martin

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